Monday, August 29, 2011

Today, I crochet!

The craft of the day is crochet! I started working on a ripple afghan for mi madre. I bought the yarn (the biggest skein EVER) from Hobby Lobby on clearance yesterday. I attempted to photograph it in all its beauty; it's a mix of darkish blue, white, and navy or black. It's called denims. It's beautiful, and my mom likes blue too much a lot.

Don't let me fool you. The highlight of my day was not figuring out this crochet pattern... no, it was seeing my husband's face.  I can't remember (really, I can't) the last time I saw his face while talking to him. I say he gets prettier every day, and I believe it! I missed his face. Does that sound weird? Whatever. It made my day. Just a couple weeks and I get to see his face IN PERSON! AH! If you can't quite grasp my excitement yet, you're crazy! My favorite part about seeing the sweet husband's face was that E got to see him, and this time, he actually paid attention and gave his daddy kisses. It was so sweet.

My friend Amy comes home tomorrow. My crafty friend. Maybe she'll let me show you the sweet ring sling she made just before she went to Texas this weekend. She said her little guy, also 3 1/2 months like the G man, loved the sling.  Looking forward to her making me one! :-) I should wear my baby more...

Do you crochet or knit? What kinds of things to do like to make/have made? 

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