Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Sunburnt & Anxious

You know how you get that anxious feeling when you want to do something but can't, like wanting to finish a book you couldn't put down? I've got that. Only it's my crochet project. I ended up pulling out all the stitches to the ripple afghan I was working on. I started anew on the gift for my mom, much simpler, and I totally demolished that monster skein of yarn today. The problem: I need more yarn.  Thankfully, my fabulous friend thought of me today while she was around Hobby Lobby and grabbed me a couple more skeins. I'll get them tomorrow! :-)  I finished the crocheting outside on my deck this afternoon while the toddler napped.  The infant sat in the bouncy seat in the shade. I, however, was not shaded. No, not at all. I'm burnt. I have no clue how long I was out there... an hour? two? I will be anxiously awaiting my yarn and nursing my red skin. Also, E has his 2-year appointment tomorrow. So good night for now. What projects have you had the hardest time putting down?

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