Sunday, August 28, 2011


I'm not sure what the proper first post should be... do I dive in to a given topic or introduce the blog and myself a bit? I'm going to start with a little introduction... My name is Kayla. My goal for this blog is to show what crafty, fun stuff I'm working on or am inspired by. The end result is to start a sewing business focused on fun boy projects. That's where the name comes from: inspired by my two boys. Initially, though, I'll probably be all over the place in my craft and sewing endeavors.

My two boys are two years old, E, and three and a half months, G.  They have to be some of the cutest boys (of course, I'm biased).  I stay at home with them each and every day, and I am hopeful to be able to do that for some time.  I take classes online through Liberty University, so when I'm not chasing a toddler, feeding the always-hungry chunky baby (he's so cute!),  I'm doing school work or crafting or browsing ideas for craft projects.

My past blogging experience has consisted of single blog entries of various content. I've never been committed or had much to say.  While initially, this may be rocky, I'd like to be much more consistent than in the past, but that will require me to be consistently crafting... Shucks! :-) I look forward to that commitment. 

So tonight, I made a felt flowers. A week or two ago, I stumbled upon them while looking at (read: wasting time) on Pinterest. Not Martha has beautiful pictures of the finished brooch, and she links to the great tutorial.

So would you wear something like this? Don't look too closely or you'll see the flaws in the petals and the glue.  The flowers on cardigans and other embellishments are so trendy right now.  Let me know what you think. Also, sewing machines... I've got one that I'm planning on purchasing in the next month, but I'm always interested in hearing what others use to make their masterpieces!!

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